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The Therapist

Sarah McDaniel Valencia, RPP, BCPP, CWK, LMT #7447

Sarah McDaniel Valencia has been a practicing bodyworker since 2003. She completed her advanced level coursework in Polarity Therapy and received her Registered Polarity Therapy (RPP) designation from the American Polarity Therapy Association (www.polaritytherapy.org) in 2007. Since then, Sarah has studied the healing powers of essential oils and incorporates Certified Therapeutic Grade (CTPG®) Essential Oils into her practice regularly. In 2010, Sarah completed her coursework to become a Certified Wholistic Kinesiologist, which is another comprehensive system that helps her determine what types of therapy would be most beneficial for each client and assists her to find what will most safely and effectively help balance each individual she sees. This returning to balance can affect us not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Sarah's own journey of self-healing and discovery propels her along her path to continue adding to her toolbox different approaches because she recognizes every body is different and each individual resonates with different healing modalities.
Sarah is committed to serving her community through her heart-centered practice.

This video interview describes more about Sarah McDaniel Valencia and various services she offers.